The Best Mentalism Books On The Market!

Do you want to learn more about mentalism? You don’t have to look any further, we have reviewed and selected the best mentalism books for You!

Most of the books about mentalism contain basic, vague, often worthless information. The books presented below are something completely different. They present much valuable and practical information for anyone who wants to know more about mentalism.

Tony Corinda – 13 Steps to Mentalism

An absolutely fascinating book for everyone who wants to step inside the mentalism world. This is a must read!

This classical text on mentalism was originally published in 1961. It has been reprinted number of times so the mental effects and the psychology behind them are still relevant today.

The book has grown over the years into one of the most famous books about mentalism. Instead of all sorts of theories about mentalism it presents mentalism more from a practical point of view.

With a number of secrets revealed by professionals and through a step-by-step plan you can easily perform mentalism tricks yourself.

The book is divided into ‘13 steps of Mentalism’ and presents different types of tricks and techniques in each step.

1 The ‘Swami Gimmick’
2 Pencil, Lip, Sound, Touch and Muscle Reading – this section describes 5 techniques and presents a range of advice (i.e. how to position yourself and what are the most favorable conditions)
3 Mnemonics and Mental Systems – includes history of mnemonics and basic introductions to memory systems. As Cordina states ‘To the Mentalist, Memory Systems are indispensable’
4 Predictions
5 Blindfolds and X-rays
6 Billets
7 Book Tests and Fogel Interview
8 Two Person Telepathy
9 Mediumistic Stunts
10 Card Tricks
11 Question and Answer (Readings)
12 Publicity Stunts
13 Patter and Presentation

For some time, this mentalism  book was difficult to find, but it has been reprinted and now it can be easily found (it can be purchased on Amazon).

The bible of mentalism!

Joe Navarro – What Every Body Is Saying: An Ex-FBI Agent’s Guide to Speed – Reading People

mentalism body language

Joe Navarro specializes in on of the most important techniques of mentalism – non-verbal communication.

The book will teach you how to discover someone’s thoughts, plans using: observations of body language, gestures, attitudes, dressing style or even unintentional touching.

Familiarizing yourself with Navarro’s text will certainly help you to improve your mentalism but also it will develop your interpersonal relationships.

Navarro provides a knowledge that will allow you to understand (through exercises) how to read the moods, intentions and emotions of other people.

It is easy to read and presents interesting pictures and examples.

Get your copy of the book on Amazon!

Derren Brown – Tricks of the Mind

Derren Brown mentalist

Derren Brown is the master of mentalism and most recognized mentalist in the world. He wrote many mentalism books but this one is his best.

Written in a comprehensible and humorous way that perfectly transmits the secrets of his mentalism.

Derren will teach you how to properly use hypnosis, suggestion and how to read and use body language.

The Mentalism presented in his book is easy to perform and memorize.

Get your copy of Tricks of the Mind on Amazon!